The Thumpstar 140 Pit Bike is with us here at MPS and we have to say – its a fantastic little bike!
While still a pit bike it is on the slightly bigger side, so definitely not for kids but still a brilliant toy for the bigger kids among us. The white plastics with the grey and orange stickers really set this bike apart from the rest yet still has a little bit of a KTM vibe.
There has been a load of interest in the Thumpstar range lately but as you may know if you’ve been looking for Stomp bikes – Pit bikes and quads have been a bit difficult to get a hold of this last year. Due to all sorts of reasons from pandemics to Brexit, it seems many pit bikes have been coming into the UK in very limited numbers.
This isn’t great news for bigger brands like Stomp but it can only be great for the Thumpstar range as more people have been looking for alternatives. And the Thumpstar 140 Pit Bike is definitely worth the look in. We have a couple of these in house right now [accurate at time of writing on 24/04/21] and everyone who has come in and spotted our built-up one of these bikes behind the counter has wanted a closer look.
If you’re interested in getting one of these for yourself, act fast! I doubt these will be around for long and while we do have more on the way soon, if you miss your chance to snag one you may be waiting as late as June for the next lot of Pit Bikes to get into the country. And even then – They’ll probably already be sold to pre-orders before they even get here. So get pre-ordering to make sure you get yours!